Now travelling form Abbottabad To Bahadur become easier and reliable. Information about the fares and timing of Daewoo Bus from Abbottabad To Bahadur.
Daewoo is operating 1 bus from Abbottabad to Bahadur, below is the list of fares & schedule:
Departure From Abbottabad | Bahadur Arrival | Bus Type | Ticket Price |
11:15 AM | 3:25 AM | Super Lux | Rs. 3,070 |
Tickets for these Daewoo Bus can be booked by dialing 03311-007-008…..
*Note: This all information we collect very carefully, and these all are the latest update but the change in fare possible by private companies owners so these all details are just for information purpose for latest details kindly contact your nearest bus stand booking office.
For More : Abbottabad To Daharki Daewoo Bus Ticket Prices Timing And Fares