Depilex Beauty parlour and institute is one of the largest beauty parlour in Pakistan. It is also one of the largest training institutes with highly qualified and professional staff. Internationally qualified staff is also available at Depilex beauty clinic. This is highly prestigious institute in Pakistan for best hair dresses artist, make up artists and beauty therapists. All the good institute and beauty cliic like to link their foundation with this institute. Every institute in Pakistan want to affiliate with that. Depilex is only Pakistani institute that has foreign staff with affiliation. Depilex beauty clinic is affiliated with City and Guilds and also with ILO skill development institute. This beauty clinic has professional beauty diplomas from Canadian, UK and USA. Various beauty ideas are presented by women that is used to look pretty and confident. Women can act as a true power with the right make up ideas. A whole beautiful range of cosmetics and beauty products are provided by MM according to different skin tones and types. MM stands for legendary Masarrat Misbah. Massarat Misbah is greatest make up artist and also very good women who likes to help others. Halal make up is also offered by MM in which you can offer prayers. She brings great touch to make up using her special amazing makeup. She has developed her own range of blush ons, lipstick, lip vanishes, eye shadows, eye liners , mascaras and face powder. Different beauty powders range has been developed according to different skin tones. Massarat Misbah has got Halal cosmetics certification. MM’s make up has got very attractive shades and impressive quality. Her range of make up is easy to wear and simple. Depilex provided four and half month training professional courses. Three Depilex diplomas are provided at the end of the course i.e Make up stylish, Hair dressing and Skin therapist.
Depilex Health Center
Zumba health center ar Depilex offers easy to follow and rhythms steps for fitness. Depliex clinic focus on getting work hard, loving working out and to look good. This program is famous in around 105 countries in all over the world. Zumba is very famous among people. It has almost 7.5 millions members worldwide. These classes are being taught every week.
This parlour is also famous for giving job opportunity to poor girls and burning victims. In following picture, you can see a girl names Sara Liaquat who is a burning victim. She survived and now a days she is working as hair stylist and make up artist in Depilex beauty clinic. She is working in Depilex branch in Lahore. Most of the girls who are burning victims lies in age group from fourteen to twenty five. Mostly obsession, infidelity or husband’s second marriage are the main causes for these incidents. Mostly girls face these crisis on their faces and genitals, these areas get completely disfigured.
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