Now traveling from Karachi to Multan become more reliable and well with different trains, few are running old but few of them are started to run from Karachi to Multan near past which was the good step picket by Pakistan Government. The fares of all trains are not matched together which is because of class. All the trains are running from Karachi to Multan through different routes.
Below Is The List Of Fares And Train Timing For This Journey
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Destination Arrival Time |
Pakistan Express | 1:00 PM | Rs: 1900/- | Not Available | Not Available | Not Available | 3:10 AM |
Shalimar Express | 6:00 AM | Rs: 2500/- | Rs: 4200/- | Not Available | Rs: 5600/- | 7:15 PM |
Awam Express | 7:00 AM | Rs: 1850/- | Rs: 3550/- | Not Available | Not Available | 12:35 PM |
Bahauddin Zakria Express | 5:30 PM | Rs: 1850/- | Rs: 3550/- | Not Available | Rs: 5100/- | 10:35 AM |
Khyber Mail | 10:15 PM | Rs: 1850/- | Rs: 3550/- | Rs: 6750/- | Rs: 5100/- | 1:15 PM |
Karachi Express | 5:00 PM | Rs: 1850/- | Rs: 3550/- | Rs: 6750/- | Rs: 5100/- | 5:50 AM |
Tezgam | 5:30 PM | Rs: 1850/- | Rs: 3550/- | Rs: 6750/- | Rs: 5100/- | 6:50 AM |
*Note: These fares are just for information purposes for exact latest details kindly contact your near railway booking office or you can also dial the Pakistan railway Helpline 117.
Tickets for these trains can be booked online through
For More Check About Trains Karachi To Quetta Train Ticket Price